Apr 30, 2010


Saya datang bersama sepatu
Bukan sendiri tapi bersama-sama
Selalu bersama sepatu
Saya tidak bisa pulang tidak bisa pergi tanpa sepatu
Sepatu saya cinta saya cinta sepatu saya
Sepatu kiri saya senang menari
Sepatu kanan saya senang bernyanyi
Setiap malam kami berlatih nyanyian baru
Setiap hari kami ciptakan tarian baru
Bersama-sama kami akan menggali dunia
Suatu hari datang seekor lintah hinggap di sepatu kiri saya
Menghisap darahnya sampai habis
Satu minggu lamanya sepatu kiri tidak menari
Hingga akhirnya sepatu kiri mati
Sepatu kanan saya berduka lara
Tidak mau lagi bernyanyi
Sesekali bersenandung lagu kematian
Satu minggu lamanya ia tidak bernyanyi
Hingga suatu hari, ia putuskan untuk akhiri hidupnya
Mengikat lehernya dengan tali sepatu
Dan kini aku berjalan disini
Tanpa sepatu

TIKA - Gugur Sepatu

Shoes are like people.
They can be warm. They can be cold. Or blue, or green. They may be new. Like a fresh spring day. And some of them.. Well, smell.. And make you turn away..
Some shoes have heels. And some are flat. Some even have installed lights. Hey, what's up with that? Maybe, to see which path is right.
Some shoes are lazy, cheerful, and fun. Yet there are those that like to run. Most shoes have an expression. A smile, a frown, a wink. And some are sad and dirty, waiting by the sink. Some shoes are very useful. And some get tired soon. Some shoes are trully wild for walking on the moon. Some shoes are very talkative. And some of them untied. But most shoes are like people.
Hey shoesy, you carry me along my path
Hoy shoesy, you stay with me until your old

Hey shoesy, you give me everything you have
Hey shoesy, you even give your soul
Hey shoesy, you're always there below me

Love you, SHOESY!